West Highland Way Section 6- Inveroran / Bridge of Orchy to King’s House

West Highland Way Section 6- Inveroran / Bridge of Orchy to King’s House

By Dave Roberts   

on December 17, 2020   3/5 (2)

West Highland Way Section 6- Inveroran / Bridge of Orchy to King’s House

Further Details

Route Summary:

Wild and remote section of the WHW across the flanks of Blackmount and over Rannoch Moor.

Start and Finish: Bridge of Orchy to King's House Glencoe

Distance: 19.6 km

Ascent: 470 m

Time: 7 hours

Timings are approximate and depend on the individual. Calculate the time using Naismith’s Rule and factor in your own pace.

Weather Forecast:


There’s the Inveroran Hotel somewhat near the start of the route, but nothing then until the Glencoe Mountain Resort which has camping, cafe and accommodation – and King’s House. NOTE the King’s House is currently closed until February 2019.

Public Transport:

Traveline for UK Public Transport

Keep an eye out for:

  • Rannoch Moor
  • The views to Buachaille Etive Mor
  • King’s House (and hopefully will remain so after the refurb!)

Recommended WHW Maps

West Highland Way Guidebooks:

Scottish Highland Guidebooks:

Businesses on this section of the West Highland Way: 

West Highland Way Section 6- Inveroran / Bridge of Orchy to King’s House Ordnance Survey Map and GPX File Download

Download file for GPS

West Highland Way Section 6- Inveroran / Bridge of Orchy to King’s House

The sixth section of the West Highland Way between either the Bridge of Orchy or Inveroran and King’s House, Glencoe, starts to ramp things up. Yesterday gave you a dose of Highland, but this section has more mountains and remoteness than any section so far. If you manage to time it so you’re not sharing this section with the hordes, you could be forgiven for thinking you’re the only ones walking it!

If setting off from Bridge of Orchy, The WHW starts off by heading to Inveroran with a climb over the shoulder of Mam Carraigh to get the legs going. Walkers setting off from the Inveroran Hotel can take 4km and 150m ascent off the leg. It’s then over Rannoch Moor, with wide and expansive views to your right and the summits of Blackmount to your left. Ba Bridge reminds you that this used to be a main thoroughfare into the highlands, and means that you’re well over half way to the end of the section. The section is uphill for most of the distance, climbing steadily from around 175m in Inveroran to a high point of around 450m just before the final 3km descent to the King’s House.

You’ll be rewarded here with the best views yet. Views of the iconic, and this mountain surely deserves that description, Buachaille Etive Mor at the head of Glencoe. Your only option here is to stay at the King’s House, wild camp or organise transport to Glencoe or Bridge of Orchy to find alternative accommodation.

Is King’s House Open?

NOTE – The King’s House is currently closed until February 2019 as it is undergoing a refurb. They used to allow wild camping in front of the pub. We’re assuming this is still the case and that the refurb will only make this a better facility for those walking the WHW and increase the number of beds available. However, the John Muir Trust have expressed their misgivings about the King’s House  development. As it’s now happening, let’s just hope that it does not impact on this unique landscape.


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Dave Roberts

Dave Roberts founded Walk Eryri in 2004, with the aim of providing routes that are off the beaten track. Walk Eryri is now part of Mud and Routes which continues to provide more off beat routes and walks in Snowdonia and beyond. Dave has been exploring the hills of Eryri for over thirty years, and is a qualified Mountain Leader. Dave also established Walk up Snowdon, Walk up Scafell Pike and Walk up Ben Nevis just to mention a few.

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