About Walk the West Highland Way

Posted on August 16, 2019

About Walk the West Highland Way

This is a site all about the West Highland Way. Each section has an OS map, as well as a downloadable file for use in GPS devices. We’ll post information on how to use it in the near future.

  • Each section has an explanation of what maps you need, as well a guidebook. We recommend buying a guidebook as well as the maps if you’re setting out on the West Highland Way.
  • With each section, users are able to rate the walk. We’ll be adding more specific ratings soon, but in the meantime you can find the best overall sections.
  • Each section also has nearby attractions, such as cafes, pubs and accommodation – so you know exactly what’s available nearby.

Walking the West Highland Way. is a part of the Mud and Routes family of outdoor websites including:

Mud and Routes – An independent, non-corporate, outdoor’s website that covers anything that involves getting muddy (bar mud wrestling. though send in some pics and we’ll reconsider). Mainly walking, mountain biking and trail running. We review outdoor tech, food and any gear that looks particularly interesting. Oh, and we do love a challenge! One aim of Mud and Routes is to provide a platform for independent websites and bloggers, so if you’ve got a similar site to Walk Eryri please contact us. We can also feature your site on Mud and Routes with a short bio (of yourself or the site) and a few choice links to your favourite walks from your site.

If you want to promote a walk you’ve put on line, let us know. We can help drive traffic to your site, be it personal page, community, public body or business.

Walk up Snowdon– The online guidebook for Snowdon.

Walk the Wales Coast Path

Walk the Three Peaks – This site is under development and will include detailed microsites on Scafell Pike and The Ben in the same vein as Walk up Snowdon. The aim of the site will be to showcase the challenge and how you may be able to complete the challenge sensibly and with as little impact as possible. Of course, we’re talking any walk that’s called 3 peaks challenge from the National to the Yorkshire. There’s even the 15 peaks on there as anyone who’s read our 5 thingscan attest, we refuse to count accurately#

I’m also on Google+.