West Highland Way Section 3 Rowardennan to Inverarnan
By Dave Roberts
on December 17, 2020 No ratings yet.
Posted in Official West Highland Way Route
West Highland Way Section 3 Rowardennan to Inverarnan
Further Details
Route Summary:
The Third section of the West Highland Way between Rowardennan and Inverarnan via the Inversnaid Hotel.
Start and Finish: Rowardennan to Inverarnan
Distance: 22.2 km
Ascent: 460 m
Time: 7 hours
Timings are approximate and depend on the individual. Calculate the time using Naismith’s Rule and factor in your own pace.
Weather Forecast:
- Mountain Weather for the West Highland Way.
- Rowardennan – Weather Forecast
- Inverarnan – Weather Forcast
Doune Byre Bothy at NN332 144, The Inversnaid Hotel and the Inversnaid Bunkhouse and Top Bunk Bistro is around 1km off the Way both at Inversnaid. Beinglas Campsite has a licenced bar (open to the public) and a little off the Way is The Drover’s Inn at Inverarnan.
Public Transport:
Not on this section.
Traveline for UK Public Transport
Keep an eye out for:
The Inversnaid Falls, a walk up Ben Lomond and Loch Lomond (though you hardly need to keep an eye out for it!)
Recommended WHW Maps:
West Highland Way Section 3 Rowardennan to Inverarnan Ordnance Survey Map and GPX File Download
Download file for GPS
West Highland Way Section 3 Rowardennan to Inverarnan
The third section of the West highland Way between Rowardennan and Inverarnan takes you largely through woodland along the shores of Loch Lomond, but has a welcome break at Inversnaid and a final section away from the lochside!
The first section follows the shores of Loch Lomond from Rowardennan to Inversnaid for around 12km, a leisurely morning’s backpacking. It’s all Loch Lomond, and trees, with numerous ruins along the way that are a reminder that Loch Lomond would have supported a much larger population at one time. Now, it’s just thru walkers on the West Highland Way bringing a welcome boost to the economy.
You’ll need to reach Inversnaid before you see any sign of economy, a small hamlet that’s mainly the Inversnaid Hotel that can be reached either by ferry from other locations on Loch Lomond or along an arduous road journey from the east. There’s also the Inversnaid Bunkhouse a km or so down the minor road for those who want bunkhouse accommodation. They also have a licenced restaurant
After a final 6km section you’ll be leaving Loch Lomond behind. Keep an eye out for the Doune Byre bothy on this section. It’s a final 4km or so as you climb up on the first sustained ascent for days (and it’s not a huge climb, you’ll be glad to hear) over towards Beinglas Campsite in Inverarnan. The blue tent on the OS maps suggests a basic site, but there’s much more than just a campsite here – with a bar as well as self catering accommodation. Those looking for a pub can walk a kilometre or so over towards the Drover’s Inn in Inverarnan.
Featured Image – Photo credit: Ronnie Macdonald via Foter.com / CC BY
Dave Roberts
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